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Kanpur South Zone CISCE Chess Tournament (2024-25) Under17 Boys

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.07.2024 14:06:20, Creator/Last Upload: Harish Rastogi

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1Abhay, YadavIND0Pt. D. P. Mishra
2Abraham, RoshanIND0St. Thomas School
3Aditya, Singh ChauhanIND0Pt. D. P. Mishra
4Adivik, SrivastavaIND0U. P. Kirana Sewa Samiti
5Agrim, VaishIND0Swaraj India Public School
6Akhil, Pratap SinghIND0Mother Teresa Mission Higher Second
7Akhil, ShuklaIND0U. P. Kirana Sewa Samiti
8Alok, SinghIND0Pt. D. P. Mishra
9Ansh, GuptaIND0Mother Teresa H..S. School
10Anvay, KatiyarIND0Dr. Virendra Swaroop Public School
11Arihant, DwivediIND0The Chintels School
12Arpit, KumarIND0St. Mary Orthodox School
13Arthamm, DubeyIND0Dr. Brij Kishori
14Arush, TiwariIND0St. Thomas School
15Aryan, KushwahaIND0Pt. D. P. Mishra
16Atharv, AgnihotriIND0Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centr
17Atharva, GuptaIND0Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centr
18Atharva, KatiyarIND0Sardar Patel School
19Ayush, PalIND0Mother Teresa Mission Higher Second
20Chinmay, PalIND0Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centr
21Digantar, GulatiIND0Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centr
22Eshaan, WalIND0Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centr
23Harsh, GuptaIND0U. P. Kirana Sewa Samiti
24Harsh, Pratap SinghIND0Mother Teresa Mission Higher Second
25Harsh, SinghIND0Mother Teresa H..S. School
26Harsh, Vardhan SinghIND0U. P. Kirana Sewa Samiti
27Krishna, BhatiaIND0St. Mary Orthodox School
28Kunal, SinghIND0Dr. Virendra Swaroop Public School
29Mandesh, SahuIND0Mother Teresa Mission Higher Second
30Mohd., Ayan RizwanIND0Sardar Patel School
31Naitik, SrivastavaIND0St. Mary Orthodox School
32Prashant, DwivediIND0The Chintels School
33Rajat, OmerIND0R. G. Academy
34Rajveer, SinghIND0Pt. D. P. Mishra
35Rituparan, Singh RajawatIND0St. Mary Orthodox School
36IShan, SrivastavaIND0Swaraj India Public School
37Shashwat, KatiyarIND0The Chintels School
38Shubh, GuptaIND0Swaraj India Public School
39Shubh, GuptaIND0St. Thomas School
40Suryansh, ChaturvediIND0Nurture International School
41Tanmay, MishraIND0St. Thomas School
42Tejas, SinghIND0Nurture International School
43Uday, SharmaIND0Mother Teresa H..S. School
44Yash, AroraIND0The Chintels School
45Yash, Kumar SomjhaniIND0Dr. Brij Kishori
46Yash, Vardhan RajputIND0St. Mary Orthodox School
47Yashraj, SinghIND0Swaraj India Public School
48Jyolit, GuptaIND0R. G. Academy
49Yug, SharmaIND0Swaraj India Public School
50Yuvraj, SinghIND0Mother Teresa Mission Higher Second
51Yuvraj, TiwariIND0St. Thomas School