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prelim player list , will be subdivided into open and Novice / u10 divc group

Oasis monthly Blitz - 21 July 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony21.07.2024 06:06:11, Creator/Last Upload: Hong Kong Chess 

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Lista startowa

1FMLam, Daniel King Wai6001238HKG1942O
2Lai, Robin6000436HKG1924O
3Agarwal, Amartya Shiv6013210HKG1663O
4AFMMahadevan, Aravind6001998HKG1581O
5Tse, Hei Leong6015085HKG1536O
6Yip, Yan Tik6013082HKG1491N
7Aravind, TejasHKG0N
8Au, JeremyHKG0O
9Chan, Yee Nok6016120HKG0N
10Hui, manfredHKG0C
11Iyer, ArjunHKG0N
12Mak, HoraceHKG0N
13Membrey, Kaydyn6016200HKG0N
14Poon, NicholasHKG0C
15siu, milesHKG0C
16wong, RoldanHKG0C
17yeung, wilson 日希HKG0C