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I IRT CLÁSICO SUB 1800 SDA CLUB 64 - CHESS PERÚ - 24 Y 25 AGOSTO ¡¡¡ Más de 750.oo soles en premios !!! - Informes: 988 377 165

Last update 18.08.2024 21:40:19, Creator/Last Upload: Giancarlo

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Starting rank

1Pizzardo Olivares, Fernando Salvador3804518PER1768
2Pizzardo, Yoel3804526PER1726
3Angeles Castillo, Bastian Missael Valentin3880532PER1723
4Vilcas Pilco, Adrian3891798PER1653
5Chinguel Pena, Jefferson Neymar3897281PER1520
6Puma Lezama, Angela Fernanda81404590PER1476
7Quispe Coa, Jairo Jeampiare3892450PER1468
8Gave Castillo, Robert Ayrthon3897273PER1445
9Puma Lezama, Freddy Gabriel81404581PER1414
10Ancco Motta, Matias Alessandro81442904PER0
11Barriga Vasquez, Isaias Gustavo81437676PER0
12Chavez Sierra, Alejandro Jose81444877PER0
13Chiok Cordova, Roberto Juan81424507PER0
14Huayta Solar, Leonardo Moises81413718PER0
15Linares Lozano, Victor Fernando81412711PER0
16Morales Semachi, Juan Aaron3883531PER0
17Nieto Diaz, Sebastian Matias81433611PER0
18Pacherres Castro, Adriana Nicole Xiomara81413696PER0
19Puma Lezama, Vasco Tomas Antonio81404603PER0