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Klupsko Prvenstvo na Sahovskiot Klub Karposh za 2024 godina

Seinast dagført17.07.2024 22:12:28, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

8Glavinac, Goran15001881MKD2013
7FMKachakovski, Dimitar15000052MKD1970
1Ranic, Viktor15002870MKD1941
2Nikolovski, David15007197MKD1915
4Miskoski, Misko15002861MKD1906
9Temkov, Blagoja15001385MKD1888
6Cvetkovski, Slobodan15001202MKD1742
3Golubovic, Tomislav15003043MKD1729
10Glavinac, Darijan15013847MKD1532
5Skerlevski, Dushko15018105MKD0