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Campeonato Regional Individual Semirrápidas 2024

Posledná aktualizácia 20.07.2024 21:57:54, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERAÇÃO CABO-VERDIANA DE XADREZ

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Štartová listina

1Pereira, Eder Marcio1928112CPV1851
2Miranda, Iura23600306CPV1654
3Mões, Carlos1928104CPV1654
4Andrade, Manuel23600438CPV0
5Brito, Helton23602376CPV0
6Castro, Dionisio23601906CPV0
7Fonseca, Adilson23602163CPV0
8Fortes, Aires23600993CPV0
9Lima, Flávio23602392CPV0
10Lima, Jose Calazans23600268CPV0
11Lopes, Victor Manuel23602112CPV0
12Neves, Diogo23600896CPV0
13Pereira, Nelino23601183CPV0
14Santos, Steven23602058CPV0