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CISCE Zonal Chess Meet 2024 U-14 Boys

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.07.2024 14:47:59, Creator/Last Upload: SB Chess

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1Subham, Pratik Mishra33439060IND1443
2Rudra, Pratap Mishra429053668IND1404
3Abhinav, DheerIND0Layala
4Amaresh, PanigrahiIND0VEMS
5Ankit kumar, MajhiIND0St jhosef
6Anupam, RanasinghIND0St jhosef
7Anurag, DhalIND0St jhosef
8Arush Narayan, BalaIND0VEMS
9Aryan natha, Dung dungIND0Layala
10Ayush, ParidaIND0Layala
11Dibyansu, DasIND0Stewart
12K., UpansuIND0VEMS
13Puneet, AgarwalIND0St jhosef
14Roshan, Tripathy25970100IND0
15Sai Krishna, DashIND0VEMS
16Sidharth, NayakIND0St jhosef