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CISCE Zonal Chess Meet 2024 U17 Boys

Last update 17.07.2024 14:36:18, Creator/Last Upload: SB Chess

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Starting rank

1Ishaan, Panda531001904IND1434
2Aditya, SwainIND0Layala
3Arnab, SarangiIND0Layala
4Baibhav, BeheraIND0Layala
5Darshit, DashIND0VEMS
6Dattatreya, PatnaikIND0St jhosef
7Ishaan, GoelIND0Layala
8Manan kumar, PandaIND0ST JHOSEF
9Samar, DasIND0St jhosef
10Swayamjit, SahooIND0St jhosef