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Tournoi jeu d'echecs pour les enfants U16 Casablanca 21.07.2024

Posledná aktualizácia 21.07.2024 14:39:29, Creator/Last Upload: Alhambra

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Štartová listina

1benjelloun, Faycal9049592MAR1778
2Vidoni, Salma45107556MAR1518
3Ait Lachgar, HoussamMAR0
4Alani, OMARMAR0
5Assia, Abdelali9041516MAR0
6Azizi, AliMAR0
7Azzioui, MohamedMAR0
8Belallam, abdourahman9034390MAR0
9Boumnidel, Ahmed Naji9055711MAR0
10Boumnidel, Zyad9033386MAR0
11Ismaili, Mohamed Reda9049665MAR0
12Soulayman, LoukmanMAR0
13Zitouni, Mohamed AliMAR0
14zitouni, YahyaMAR0