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Mrs. Deepa Bhatt, ECA In-charge:- 9766432848
Mr. Sikandar Maharjan-9803162342
Mr. Gyanraj Maharjane-9801131408
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4th Triyog Inter-School Chess Competition 2024 (Girls 1 to 3)

Last update 21.07.2024 05:07:22, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Aadishree, WagleNEP0Triyog High School
2Aadrishi, BhattaraiNEP0Euro School Hattigauda
3Aaryana, KCNEP0Triyog High School
4Aava, DangolNEP0Gyanodaya Bal Batika
5Adhira, PoudelNEP0Pavilion Chess Academy
6Adhina, PoudelNEP0Dav
7Aeshna, GahaNEP0Triyog High School
8Agrata, AcharyaNEP0Iws
9Aishami, ShakyaNEP0Gyanodaya Bal Batika
10Anushree, SilwalNEP0Euro School Hattigauda
11Bhumika, BhattraiNEP0Nitin Memorial School
12Bishnu, RokayaNEP0Nitin Memorial School
13Cara, RijalNEP0Gyanodaya Bal Batika
14Numa, LimbuNEP0Nitin Memorial School
15Rihana, ShresthaNEP0Annapurna S. School
16Rubesri, ChaulagainNEP0Euro School Hattigauda
17Soyesha, BudhathokiNEP0Triyog High School
18Venus, ThapaNEP0Triyog High School