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53rd KVS Regional Sports Meet - 2024-25 (CHESS U17 Girls)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.07.2024 15:13:51, Creator/Last Upload: iigsports

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1Rutushree, Rutuprava Sahoo33494061IND1482wF17Dhenkanal
2Barik, Jayashree25712071IND1447wF17BBSR No.3
3Ayushi, MishraIND0wF17Koraput
4Debasmita, PaniIND0wF17BBSR No.1 2nd Shift
5Gayatri, PriyadarshiniIND0wF17Puri
6Jigyansa, MalikIND0wF17BBSR No.3
7Kairavi, MohantyIND0wF17Balasore No.1
8Pragyanshree, DehuryIND0wF17Sambalpur No.1
9Riya, BhojIND0wF17Sambalpur No.1
10Shruti, Rekha KhilarIND0wF17Balasore No.1
11Subhashree, MeherIND0wF17Puri
12Swayamshree, Sahoo25161482IND0wF17Puri
13Swayansha, GoutamiIND0wF17Puri