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Fidelización Bambuchess: 25€ (participantes en III Festival Escuela de Ajedrez Bambuchess).


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IV Festival Escuela de Ajedrez Bambuchess - Open Sub1800

Last update 25.12.2024 20:05:13, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 510)

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Rank after Round 0

Rk.SNoNameTypsexRtgIRtgNClub/CityPts. TB1 
11Fernandez Vargas, Isidro17940Bambuchess00
22Camacho Belmonte, Angel LuisU1417890Bambuchess00
33Roldan Moreno, IsabelU14w17821692Peña Alfil00
44Toscano Martin, Jesus17350Costa de la Luz00
55Hernandez Delgado, GonzaloU1417061576Ruy Lopez Zafra00
66Escobar Rodriguez, AlvaroU1216920Bambuchess00
77Baba Saad Bouh,16910Mauritania00
88Villa Martinez, BasilioU1816810Ajedrez con Cabeza (PA)00
99Mana Sierra, ManuelU1616590Ciudad de Huelva00
1010Truter, DanielU1216400Bambuchess (NP)00
1111Cardiel Ferrero, IgnacioS5015910Torredelcampo00
1212De La Cruz Diaz, VictorU1415801571Alekhine00
1313Lopez Rueda, JuanS6515780Ciudad de Huelva00
1414Orta Garcia, RaulU1215571526Bambuchess00
1515Rico Agredano, MariaU12w15230Magic Extremadura00
1616Nunez Mano, David De Jesus14970Costa de la Luz00
1717Marin Aroca, ManuelU1014840Alekhine00
1818Parrilla Garcia, Enrique AbadU1614751364Costa De La Luz00
1919Mauro Carrasco, Julio14741470Jaque Al Rey00
2020Ballesteros Prieto, Francisco JesusS5014701342Ciudad De Huelva00
2121Romero Martin, CesarU0814501342Marbella CC00
2222Morell Altozano, NicolasU1214170Alekhine00
2323Cruz Muriel, Jose AntonioS5001709Costa de la Luz (PA)00
2424Vazquez Lopez, Jose01708Costa de la Luz00
2525Rodriguez Santana, Juan Manuel01521Costa De La Luz00
2626Cepeda Gonzalez, DanielU1401464Bambuchess00
2727Aguaded Pereira, Jose ManuelU1201446Bambuchess00
2828Gomez Fernandez, DavidU1201435Bambuchess00
2929Torsiello Martin, MatteoU1201424Alekhine (NP)00
3030Santos Serrano, AlvaroU801391Bambuchess00
3131Fernandez Macias, EzequielU1201389Bambuchess (PA)00
3232Fernandez Macias, Jesus Maria01389Costa de la Luz (PA)00
3333Fernandez Vargas, Jose Luis01352Costa de la Luz (PA)00
3434Eugenio Camacho, LucasU1001312Lepe (NP)00
3535Orta Cruz, Francisco Jose01258Costa de la Luz00
3636Morales Medina, MarcoU1401211Gambito de Playa00
3737Romero Martin, ErikU0801102Marbella CC00
3838Caba de Guzman, MiguelU1600Ajedrez con Cabeza (PA)00
3939Fernandez Kalinova, LuciaU12w00Madrid00
4040Mohameden Navea Cheikhany El Kha,00Mauritania00
4141Wang, YuanjinU1000Hong Kong00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)