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General: 30€.

Fidelización Bambuchess: 25€ (participantes en III Festival Escuela de Ajedrez Bambuchess).


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IV Festival Escuela de Ajedrez Bambuchess - Open Sub2400

Last update 25.12.2024 20:05:22, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 510)

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Rank after Round 0

Rk.SNoNameTypsexRtgIRtgNClub/CityPts. TB1 
11FMEsquivias Quintero, Luis Manuel22220CAS00
22Garcia Jimenez, Santiago21990Oromana00
33CMCuellar Montes, AlejandroU2021900Peña Ajedrecistica Isleña00
44Gonzalez Amate, Manuel20880Ciudad de Huelva00
55Riera Brito, RaulU1620630Bambuchess00
66Andres Flores, Antonio JoseS5020600Tres Carabelas00
77Rumbos Garcia, Alejandro DanielU1820570Venezuela (PA)00
88Lopez Cueto, JulioU1620450Oromana00
99Morales Araujo, Francisco Javier20360CAS00
1010Andreev, Stanislav20150Bulgaria00
1111Carretero Martinez, Francisco19870CAS00
1212Truter, MaximilianU1419810Bambuchess (NP)00
1313Vicente Garrote, Jose Maria19751940Oromana00
1414Medina Carrasco, Jose Andres19540Oromana00
1515Murillo Lopez, Francisco19360Ciudad Real00
1616Vega Castilla, Antonio MiguelS6518831765Costa de la Luz00
1717Ramirez Sanchez, Samuel18490Oromana00
1818Castillo Trujillo, LuisS5018340CAS00
1919Luna Ordonez, AlejandroU1418281781Alekhine00
2020Costa De Los Santos, Ana Mariaw18270Costa de la Luz00
2121Gomez Diaz, RodrigoU1418190CA Tomelloso00
2222Magi, RamonU1418041611MK Kaksikodad00
2323Karolyi, Mate18010Hungria00
2424Lopez Perea, Mario17910Tres Carabelas00
2525Villegas Fernandez, JuanU1617860Bambuchess (PA)00
2626Shadrina, EvaU16w17600Estonia00
2727Luque Garcia, JuanU1617260Bambuchess (NP)00
2828Fernandez Kalinov, RodrigoU1417150Bambuchess00
2929Munoz Chaves, Gines17121683San Jose00
3030Belmonte Blasco, MaximoU1216871791Algazara00
3131Perez Odero, Gonzalo16151623Pena Islena00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)