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The Ultimate Rapid Open Chess Tournament

Last update 28.07.2024 20:42:49, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1IMBwalya, Gillan8700257ZAM2311
2FMMulenga, Prince Daniel8701776ZAM2282
3IMChumfwa, Stanley8700117ZAM2280
4FMLuanja, Geoffrey8704287ZAM2279
5FMMunenga, Douglas D8700680ZAM2252
6IMPhiri, Richmond8700443ZAM2284
7Kabwe, Timothy8707200ZAM2157
8CMPhiri, Godwin8704147ZAM2150
9Chisopa, Dalitso8716285ZAM2074
10FMMusonda, Chola8706050ZAM2070
11Kameya, Robson8704759ZAM2039
12Mwansa, Mambwe8701873ZAM1995
13Banda, Alton8722501ZAM1975
14Sharon, Rafael74601580ZAM1966
15Luambula, Humphrey8711887ZAM1960
16Lwenyeka, Brian8702233ZAM1952
17Sauti, Harry8713782ZAM1793
18Chibwata, Paul8706565ZAM0
19Chikuse, Leslie8704040ZAM0
20Njovu, Kondolwani8707260ZAM0