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Rene Portela 2024 PremierՎերջին արդիացում24.07.2024 23:03:38, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ |
1 | | | Sanchez Terrero, Carlos Daniel | 3536947 | CUB | 1887 | |
2 | | | Hector Delgado, Rubi Nahomis | 3531643 | CUB | 1824 | w |
3 | | | Lazo De La Vega Aja, Adriel | 3537161 | CUB | 1713 | |
4 | | | Garces Napoles, Dario | 3535622 | CUB | 1709 | |
5 | | | Munoz Pena, Diego Alejandro | 3535746 | CUB | 1703 | |
6 | | | Medina Rodriguez, Yosnel Alejandr | 3536939 | CUB | 1666 | |
7 | | | Vazquez Delgado, Jorge Enrique | 3538117 | CUB | 1656 | |
8 | | | Pernas Cejas, Daziel | 3538109 | CUB | 1649 | |
9 | | | Hernandez Balboa, Jimmy | 3531910 | CUB | 1647 | |
10 | | | Catala Delgado, Maria Karla | 3533522 | CUB | 1638 | w |
11 | | | Cana Sotolongo, Pablo | 3535533 | CUB | 1636 | |
12 | | | Alpizar Gonzalez, Nestor | 3531783 | CUB | 1628 | |
13 | | | Olivera Ruiz, Fabio | 3538222 | CUB | 1622 | |
14 | | | Baez Ravelo, Maria Karla | 3530000 | CUB | 1618 | w |
15 | | | Gomez Herrera, Daniel David | 3538079 | CUB | 1613 | |
16 | | | Owen Gomez, Darry | 3538656 | CUB | 1609 | |
17 | | | Palau Tapia, Derek | 3538664 | CUB | 1599 | |
18 | | | Bermudez Alfonso, Darel | 3534138 | CUB | 1596 | |
19 | | | Molina Toledo, Jose Manuel | 3538281 | CUB | 1596 | |
20 | | | Menendez Fajardo, Diego Alejandro | 3538869 | CUB | 1595 | |
21 | | | Romero Contreras, Roidel | 3536327 | CUB | 1594 | |
22 | | | Rodriguez Leon, Adam | 3536319 | CUB | 1593 | |
23 | | | Molina Toledo, Ryan | 3537323 | CUB | 1592 | |
24 | | | Armengol Venegas, Ashly Maria | 3533514 | CUB | 1588 | w |
25 | | | Nunez Alonso, Chaday | 3534677 | CUB | 1580 | w |
26 | | | Leonard Izahin, Adaina | 3531970 | CUB | 1567 | w |
27 | | | Montane Carbonell, Thiago | 3534251 | CUB | 1563 | |
28 | | | Cobas Diaz, Daniel Alejandro | 3535894 | CUB | 1546 | |
29 | | | Rodriguez Domingo, Olivia | 3533131 | CUB | 1535 | w |
30 | | | Cabrales Delgado, Karlos Manuel | 3531821 | CUB | 1529 | |
31 | | | Fierro Romero, Carlos Alberto | 3535991 | CUB | 1519 | |
32 | | | Sanchez Avila, Rafael | 3534685 | CUB | 1518 | |
33 | | | Kindelan Mozo, Hebert Yoel | 3536157 | CUB | 1495 | |
34 | | | Fernandez Vila, Fernanda | 3535975 | CUB | 1483 | w |
35 | | | Gomez Herrera, Marcelo | 3538087 | CUB | 1478 | |
36 | | | Angarica Galan, Lorena | 3535819 | CUB | 1476 | w |
37 | | | Hernandez Rodriguez, Amelia Barba | 3536122 | CUB | 1462 | w |
38 | | | Zamora Miranda, Naiyades | 3536432 | CUB | 1447 | w |
39 | | | Gonzalez Sotto, Angel | 3536106 | CUB | 1442 | |
40 | | | Duran Guedes, Luis Rene | 3537269 | CUB | 1441 | |
41 | | | Simon Medina, Marcelo | 3537838 | CUB | 1413 | |
42 | | | Gomez Hernandez, Julia Elena | 3535630 | CUB | 1409 | w |
43 | | | Basulto Casanova, Laura | 3535860 | CUB | 1409 | w |
44 | | | Nunez Gonzalez, Alejandro | 3534650 | CUB | 0 | |
45 | | | Sanchez Rodriguez, Alejandro | 3538761 | CUB | 0 | |
46 | | | Navarro Garcia, Cristian Jose | 3538095 | CUB | 0 | |
47 | | | Gonzalez Sancliment, David | 3538567 | CUB | 0 | |
48 | | | Colaz Colbea, Dorian | 3538478 | CUB | 0 | |
49 | | | Carmenaty Torres, Helen | 3538052 | CUB | 0 | w |
50 | | | Dieguez Vidal, Jan Carlos | 3538516 | CUB | 0 | |
51 | | | Martinez Pena, Liset | 3538605 | CUB | 0 | w |
52 | | | Becerra Reyes, Luis Eduardo | 3538427 | CUB | 0 | |
53 | | | Nunez Medina, Marcel | 3536246 | CUB | 0 | |
54 | | | Pantoja Azola, Mateo | 3538672 | CUB | 0 | |
55 | | | Gonzalez Perez, Rodrigo | 3538559 | CUB | 0 | |
56 | | | Perez Turino, Victor Manuel | 3535835 | CUB | 0 | |
57 | | | Gonzalez Sotto, Victor Rene | 3537277 | CUB | 0 | |
58 | | | Martinez Tartabull, Jeobel | 3538621 | CUB | 1790 | |