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FIDE100 Copperbelt Youth Rapid Chess Championships - U8

Darrera actualització20.07.2024 15:36:16, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Botha, MikaylaZAM0
2Butala, CharissaZAM0
3Chikotwe, ChikondiZAM0
4Chikotwe, JosephZAM0
5Chikotwe, TehilaZAM0
6Zulu, EstherZAM0
7Lufungulo, LeornardZAM0
8Matowe, IsraelZAM0
9Matowe, LubutoZAM0
10Nayee, JiyanZAM0
11Ngoma, NicolleteZAM0
12Shambuluma, Labson8730121ZAM0
13Siame, NizaZAM0
14Sichali, Atupele Atusaye8725071ZAM0
15Xu, Liu YanZAM0
16Zulu, DanielZAM0