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2024 Dr. Philip Corbin Open

Posledná aktualizácia 22.07.2024 02:40:14, Creator/Last Upload: BCF1981

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Štartová listina

1FMDel Castilho, Martyn11100400BAR2184
2Lynch, Kemp11101377BAR1930
3WCMFigueroa, Julissa7300450BAR1800
4Roachford, Adam11104627BAR1798
5Depradine, Lawrence11100907BAR1788
6Thompson, Boris11100990BAR1759
7Clarke, Noah11106654BAR1676
8Grant, Travis11105399BAR1672
9WCMReifer-Belle, Chanon11105186BAR1645
10La Touche, Cyprian11104651BAR1639
11Harewood, Othneil11100168BAR1638
12Farley, Jeremiah11106972BAR1539
13King, Ernest11106050BAR0
14Sparman, Alfred11106042BAR0