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3rd Brentwood Bank Holiday ECF Rapid - Open


1st (5.5/6): Ruqayyah Rida, Trophy, £100
2nd (5/6): Max P Pert, Trophy, £60
3rd (4.5/6): James Redburn, Trophy, £15
3rd (4.5/6): Nina P Pert, £15
3rd (4.5/6): Sidhanth Pai, £15
Less than 1600 Rating (4/6): Anushka Kishore Kumar, trophy

3rd Brentwood Bank Holiday ECF Rapid - Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony24.08.2024 23:04:09, Creator/Last Upload:

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Lista startowa

1Max P Pert2993562150
2Ruqayyah Rida3300862138w
3Nina P Pert2989922029w
4Edgar Wilson3206232001
5Trevor D Coote1088631984
6James Redburn1044621950
7Robert R Sanders1184601943
8Florian Biermann3128241879
9Xander I Bloom3447171835
10Gavin James Hughes1394361818
11Malcolm P Kingsley1650401792
12Martin J Jones2782661733
13Nikolai Jarre01700
14Alan E Riddoch1657441693
15David J Millward1155751685
16Joshua Davis3423151649
17Noah Mosley3529671634
18Ben Middleton3527101629
19Sushant Lankothu3404251611
20Sidhanth Pai3405541606
21Muhammad Faheem3510251590
22Aadishesh Devalia3416231580
23Phil T Foley2591481578
24Robert Jv Davies1556961539
25Anna Berdnik3088621492w
26Aryan Gohil3069381492
27Felix Todd3403921455
28Byon M Meyer3078111445
29Shrishti Shiva3311931429w
30David Harrington3556101420
31Colin L Ellis2670161408
32Matthew Jiggins3592491406
33Nikolas Kanellopoulos3315471361
34Anushka Kishore Kumar3416251342w
35Maadesh Manikandan3437171275
36Chiza Onuoha3537341256
37George Scola3311961253
38George Keating3509841220
39Malhar Vaidya3679991213
40Nithilan Sharrierr3495241209
41Lenny Horn3463351022
42Jenson Golding3698970
43Mindaugas Valantinas3695060
44Thomas Payne3699400