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Last update 19.07.2024 12:09:35, Creator/Last Upload: Konstantin Lusheski

Starting rank list of players

8Димов, Даниел15001288MKD1976
9Чапанов, Миле15002560MKD1957
5Калчовски, Лазар15002365MKD1939
2Мелник, Стефан15012387MKD1874
10Костадиновски, Зоран15002373MKD1872
6Селковски, Жарко15001490MKD1864
3Атанасов, Санде15001539MKD1803
7Атанасовски, Блаже15002721MKD1798
4Димов, Трајче15002730MKD1763
1Арсов, Филип15008967MKD1758