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1st Place Open : FIDE 100 Trophy + $100 cash
2nd Place Open : FIDE 100 Trophy + $50 cash
3rd Place Open : FIDE 100 Trophy + $25 cash
4th Place Open : $25 cash
Top 3 Women : Trophy
Youngest Player : Trophy

FIDE 100th Guinness World Record FIDE Rated Rapid celebration by Go Checkmate *Entry Free* - Limited Entries Only.

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.07.2024 12:27:03, Creator/Last Upload: GO CHECKMATE

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1AIMLumapac, Christian129057926PHI1733
2AFMMithun, Pranav25996037IND1673
3Agung, Rinaldi Santoso7105185INA1662
4Yap, Yong Teck5736951MAS1636
6AIMTan, Chok Joo5840864SGP1537
7ACMVelmurugan Priyasudharsana, Ishaan Haeneeth366098157IND1524
8Padhye, Aryan Amit366105028IND1505
9Sathrugnan, Ravi Sivashankar5842816SGP1413
10AIMTing, Joseph129104534SGP0
11ACMYu, Christopher311111042AUS0
12Amudha, Pratheep Kumar25671758IND0
13Galope, Bianchi5267978PHI0
14Ng, Andrew3261654AUS0
15Sachin Kumar, Varchas5858470SGP0
16Shrihan, Raul429098602IND0
17Ting, Chun Hong Aaron5853672SGP0