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KCA FIDE100 Guinness World Records Attempt & Gathering (Jul 20th)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.07.2024 15:32:03, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

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2Christy Wong,HKG0
3Chung, Man Hon Gary,HKG0
4Clemens Leung,HKG0
5Emmett Lam,HKG0
6Harshit Lalwani,HKG0
7Ho Tsz Lok,HKG0
8Lai Pan Hei, Patrick,HKG0
9Lo Jun San,HKG0
11Matthew Ip,HKG0
12Ng Chung Kiu,HKG0
13Samuel Victor chan,HKG0
14Tang Po Man,HKG0
15Theodore Lam,HKG0
16Thomas Ip,HKG0
17Tom Borstrok,HKG0
18Xia Xuejing,HKG0