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Zagradje 2024

Senast uppdaterad14.07.2024 14:02:10, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Lista över spelare

5IMKalezic, Blazo921815MNE2398
7FMPecurica, Milos944963MNE2338
6FMVukcevic, Nemanja941808MNE2329
10Nenezic, Danilo16505301MNE2164
20Radoman, Milan939056MNE2091
1CMVujacic, Igor932620MNE2082
3FMMinic, Milan933538MNE2046
12Avedisovic, Sergej903914MNE1984
17Aleksic, Nenad16500024MNE1978
13Putnik, Perica16501926MNE1974
19Kadic, Branislav932060MNE1969
16Popovic, Zoran16500083MNE1943
15Rabrenovic, Matija16501772MNE1810
8Samardzic, Slavisa16502477MNE1788
4Racic, Andrej16508831MNE1711
9Djendjinovic, Ines16509285MNE1634
11Djendjinovic, Danilo16509390MNE1631
18Jovanovic, Luka16507991MNE1527
2Bakajev, DimitryMNE0
14Vratnica, Djordje16508335MNE0