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Format: Rapid 10m+5s
Medal for Top 3 and Best girl in U6, U7, U8, U9, U10, U12.

KCA Junior Open (Jul 14th) U8

Last update 14.07.2024 10:29:29, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

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Starting rank

1Aiden Mason Wong,HKG0
2Au Atticus Man Lok,HKG0
3Kong Kui Ting Caden,HKG0
4Chan Lok,HKG0
5Damien Chak Ying Lim,HKG0
6Declan Chan,HKG0
7Huen Yui Kiu Ethan,HKG0
8Laurell hau,HKG0
9Marissa Pearce,HKG0