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4th Edition of The BCI Mozambique Chess Open 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony13.07.2024 19:39:58, Creator/Last Upload: Mosambique Chess-Federation

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1Augostinho, YestinMOZ0
2Chiconela, Etianne Graça de Azevedo14806940MOZ0
3de Oliveira, Juel Muge14807076MOZ0
4Fernandes, Miguel14806746MOZ0
5Guambe, Beneth14807211MOZ0
6Guilundo, Alfredo14804166MOZ0
7Juma, TobiasMOZ0
8Marrime Júnior, Cremildo De JesusMOZ0
9Neves, Ernesto14806924MOZ0
10Sibinde, MillerMOZ0
11Oliveira, SamaraMOZ0
12Zita, JeovanMOZ0