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Zonal Sub14 Femenino Zona Especial Antioquia

Last update 08.04.2013 18:37:16, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1Varela Maria De Los AngelesANT1651Club Paul Keres
2Ramirez ManuelaANT1595Itagui
3Henao Ortiz CarolinaANT1625Los Titanes
4Zapata Luisa FernandaANT1600
5Gomez Vasquez Laura SofiaANT1534Los Titanes
6Jurado Yirlei KatherineANT1487Titanes Club
7Ramirez JulianaANT1480Itagui
8Gutierrez Maria IsabelANT1446Club Carlos Cuartas