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Be a happy Islamabad Chess Family !!

3rd Bootcamp Calssical Chess Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony14.07.2024 18:47:06, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Pakistan-CFP

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Lista startowa

1Behroze Maimoon Wander,7817819PAK0
2Hareem Khan,7834896PAK0
3Hussayn Azam Sandhu,7835256PAK0
4Ibrahim Basharat,7834918PAK0
5Isfahan Maimoon Wander,7834675PAK0
6Musa Ali Khan,7834950PAK0
7Sardar Hashim Khan,7834934PAK0
8Sinan Raheel,7834942PAK0
9Alam, Sher Khan7831269PAK0
10Shujaat, Ali7807678PAK1786