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Last update 14.07.2024 05:54:10, Creator/Last Upload: IMAjedrez

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Starting rank

1Paz Valera, Luis Carlos5106869MEX2122Morelos
2Trujillo Ardila, Arwin Julian3900460VEN2116
3Nava Ruiz, Miguel Angel5183790MEX1952Morelos
4Diaz Abarca, Moises5186676MEX1872Morelos
5Salgado Ramos, Diego5163382MEX1858Morelos
6Leonel Olvera, Victor Emmanuel5196825MEX1851Morelos
7Franco, Rogel Carlos Jesus5133262MEX1805Morelos
8Salgado, Gonzalez Saul AbimaelMEX1782Morelos
9AIMCorona Gutierrez, Eduardo5113750MEX1779Morelos
10Rodriguez Betancourt, Francisco J29631637MEX1747Morelos
11Vazquez Pineda, Jorge Hector5154308MEX1746Morelos
12Gonzalez Peiro, Lukas29605849MEX1718Morelos
13Flores, Morales OswaldoMEX1695Morelos
14Gutierrez, Hassan MichelMEX1640Morelos
15Macedo Salcedo, Sofia5198054MEX1534Morelos
16Eloisa Navez, AngelMEX0Morelos
17Figueroa Espinosa, Carlos DanielMEX0
18Sedano Salas, Juan CarlosMEX0Morelos
19Torres Albarran, Juan Jose EnriqueMEX0Morelos