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Last update 16.07.2024 00:45:30, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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1Miranda, Espinos Brandon Ernesto396105270MEX01400Guanajuato
2Alvarez de Luna, Jose CristhianMEX00Guanajuato
3Barrios, Marquez Xionel AlfredoMEX00Guanajuato
4Buendia Munoz, Miguel AngelMEX00Guanajuato
5Chavez, Navarro Angel MiguelMEX00Guanajuato
6Garcia Delgado, Jair OlafMEX00Guanajuato
7Guerrero Flores, DiegoMEX00Guanajuato
8Menchaca Ramirez, ValeriaMEX00Guanajuato
9Puebla Osorio, AgustinMEX00Guanajuato
10Velasco Chigo, Juan FernandoMEX00Guanajuato