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Last update 15.07.2024 01:11:25, Creator/Last Upload: Pedro Zambrano

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Starting rank

1Zambrano Rey, Sara Angelina5195489MEX1499Guanajuato
2Becerra, Perez Maria LucianaMEX0Guanajuato
3Gomez, Sanchez Jahzeel AndreeMEX0Guanajuato
4Gonzalez, Manrique Luis AugustoMEX0Guanajuato
5Hernandez Alba, Luis AngelMEX0Guanajuato
6Kato, AyakaMEX0Guanajuato
7Kato, OntaMEX0Guanajuato
8Pena, Acosta LeonardoMEX0Guanajuato
9Plaza, Ramirez AndreMEX0Guanajuato
10Rodriguez, Gomez DanielMEX0Guanajuato