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Last update 13.07.2024 02:51:07, Creator/Last Upload: Sergio Cárdenas porras

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Starting rank

1Acevedo Alonso, Jesus Manuel5199271MEX1855Chihuahua
2Herrera Palma, Zahid Emmanuel29645972MEX1843Chihuahua
3Olivas Nevarez, David Andres29619521MEX1815Chihuahua
4Albor De La Mora, Humberto29645891MEX1783Chihuahua
5Gardea Coronado, Mayte Alexandra29645956MEX1756Chihuahua
6Ortega Pacheco, Jaime Dario29620562MEX1748Chihuahua
7Trevizo Palacios, Soid Miguel29619548MEX1712
8Sosa Alcantar, Angel Issac29621879MEX1676Chihuahua
9Valencia Molina, Roberto Asiel29622832MEX1663Chihuahua
10Portillo, Escobedo Luis EnriqueMEX1656Chihuahua
11Rascon, Carrera Eli Alejandro29650968MEX1548Chihuahua
12Hernandez Lopez, Sarahi29645964MEX1529Chihuahua
13Valerio Mendoza, Mario Israel29646022MEX1518
14Gardea Martinez, Mateo Azael29646499MEX1500Chihuahua
15Carmona Garcia, Alondra YamileMEX0
16Enriquez Hinojosa, Dylan AaronMEX0