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III TORNEO ESTATAL ABIERTO DE VERANO 2024 PREPARATORIAՎերջին արդիացում13.07.2024 22:30:46, Creator/Last Upload: fajasparov
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | | Kramar, David | | HUN | 1830 | |
2 | | | Leal Escamilla, Daniel Zinedine | 5169810 | MEX | 1775 | Yucatan |
3 | | | Gomez Camara, Sofia | 5137934 | MEX | 1712 | Yucatan |
4 | | | Aiza, Vazquez Angel Nazario | | MEX | 1667 | Yucatan |
5 | | | Alvarez, Vazquez Mauricio | | MEX | 1654 | Yucatan |
6 | | | Burgos, Perez Aaron | | MEX | 1641 | Yucatan |
7 | | | Rivero, Caliz Sandra Airam | | MEX | 1627 | Yucatan |
8 | | | Montero, Quintal Daniel Esteban | | MEX | 1624 | Yucatan |
9 | | | Cocom, Dzul Fatima Alexandra | | MEX | 1613 | Yucatan |
10 | | | Galindo, Jimenez Sebastian | | MEX | 1606 | Yucatan |
11 | | | Nunez, Cabrera Victor Alberto | | MEX | 1588 | Yucatan |
12 | | | Aviles, Uc Carlos Joshua | | MEX | 1579 | Yucatan |
13 | | | Ordonez, Garcia Diego Antonio | | MEX | 1570 | Yucatan |
14 | | | Ojeda, Moo Alejandro Isaias | | MEX | 1567 | Yucatan |
15 | | | Pech, Ravell Emily Paola | | MEX | 1562 | Yucatan |
16 | | | Pech, Herrera Karla Berenice | | MEX | 1550 | Yucatan |
17 | | | Silva, Lozano Sarah | | MEX | 1550 | Yucatan |
18 | | | Diaz, Perera Ivan | | MEX | 1509 | Yucatan |
19 | | | Gonzalez, Sedeno Luz Maria | | MEX | 1508 | Yucatan |
20 | | | Aguayo Lara, Rodrigo | | MEX | 0 | |
21 | | | Alvarez Maliachi, Fernando Arturo | | MEX | 0 | |
22 | | | Colli Rodriguez, Saul | | MEX | 0 | |
23 | | | Diaz Aguilar, Daniel | | MEX | 0 | |
24 | | | Echeverria Dorantes, Alan | | MEX | 0 | |
25 | | | Lopez Pech, Jose Alexis | | MEX | 0 | |
26 | | | Montero Quintal, Sergio | | MEX | 0 | |
27 | | | Ocampo Sanabria, Galenia Carolina | | MEX | 0 | |
28 | | | Osalde Dzib, Roberto Antonio | | MEX | 0 | |
29 | | | Reyes Vazquez, Andrea | | MEX | 0 | |