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4th Edition of The BCI Mozambique Chess Open 2024

Վերջին արդիացում13.07.2024 19:38:15, Creator/Last Upload: Mosambique Chess-Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Mahota, AgnisMOZ0
2Doli, LohanaMOZ0
3Faife, Lindiwe100107228MOZ0
4Fernandes Zita, Naya Clarice14807416MOZ0
5Guambe, Ketlyn14806061MOZ0
6José, Dominic14807351MOZ0
7Magumbe, Jezebel Alana14807149MOZ0
8Muhorro, Azlin Sofia Estêvão14807033MOZ0
9MutandicoMutandico, Ezra14807378MOZ0
10Nikotcholaka, Mwithunyiha14807360MOZ0
11Said, Wezzie14807122MOZ0
12Tualufo, Briany14807335MOZ0
14Valoi, CrimildeMOZ0