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4th Edition of The BCI Mozambique Chess Open 2024

Senast uppdaterad13.07.2024 19:39:07, Creator/Last Upload: Mosambique Chess-Federation

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1Chembene, KelvinMOZ0
2Come, YuriMOZ0
3dos Santos, IanMOZ0
4Duarte, Enzo Rafaell Braga de Oliveira14807068MOZ0
6Ernesto, Tiago Liam Banze14805790MOZ0
7Lobo, NaiokyMOZ0
8Mariguene, LarsonMOZ0
9Neuara, ArsĂȘnio14806800MOZ0
10Nohan, CossaMOZ0
11Saranga, Erick Hallan14807238MOZ0
12Sky, LyamMOZ0
13Ungue, MelvinMOZ0
14Matsinha, MillanMOZ0