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4th Edition of The BCI Mozambique Chess Open 2024

Seinast dagført13.07.2024 19:36:43, Creator/Last Upload: Mosambique Chess-Federation

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2Micas, Zlatan Ethan14807190MOZ0
3Alves, JoséMOZ0
4Dvij ronak kumar, Devgi110307117MOZ0
5Nunes, Keanu14806959MOZ0
6Vinicio, Costa Margara14806797MOZ0
7Langa, Ethan Fernando14807262MOZ0
8Ferreira, Álvaro Gabriel14806770MOZ0
9Cassamo, Nyrio Osvaldo14807408MOZ0
11Mucata, Crysnel Mucata148067657MOZ0
12Vilanculos, CaioMOZ0
13Omar, MayconMOZ0