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Japan Senior Chess Championship 2024 シニア

Last update 18.08.2024 12:00:58, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Starting rank

1Otake SakaeJPN1958
2AIMHigashishiba TeruomiJPN1941
3Gishi TakeshiJPN1918
4Ishii IchiroJPN1733
5Uetani ToshiakiJPN1725
6Koyama NobuyukiJPN1588
7Kanda DaigoJPN1586
8Bhatia PraveenJPN1585
9Aoki YasuhiroJPN1549
10Tabe MasaharuJPN1543
11Ogasa SeiichiJPN1536
12Sawamura TetsushiJPN1440
13Hayama TomohiroJPN1438
14Takayasu NobuyukiJPN1429
15Matsumoto KenshinJPN1367
16Sakaue KaoruJPN1182
17Obata AkitoshiJPN1159
18Kanehara HiromichiJPN1081
19Matsumoto ShinjiJPN1068
20Nukui MichitakaJPN876