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FIDE 100th memorial tournament in Nagoya

Last update 20.07.2024 10:58:16, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Starting rank

1Suzuki, MasateruJPN19912030
2Nishida, NaokiJPN18970
3Kinoshita, AkiraUSA18861814
4Okabe, YumaJPN18851704
5Dahmani, HamzaMAR15790
6Sawamura, TetsushiJPN17461504
7Shimizu, KeisukeJPN17431501
8Akagawa, ShotaroJPN01283
9Suzuki, HiroyaJPN01281
10Horiuchi, YudaiJPN14731214
11Voisin, André LéonJPN00