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ПРИЈАВУВАЊЕ СОСТАВИ за ПОСЛЕДНО VII КОЛО ( вторник,30 ЈУЛИ од 10:00 часот) на 29 Јули од 21:30 22:00.

ПОСЛЕДНОТО VII КОЛО на 30 јули (вторник) се игра од 10:00 часот.

Zenski ekipen sampionat na Makedonija za 2024 godina

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony30.07.2024 15:38:58, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Macedonia (1)

Search for team Szukanie

Tabela wg zajętych miejsc (Pkt)

M-sceDrużyna12345678 TB 1  TB 2  TB 3  TB 4  TB 5 
1MSK CENTAR, Skopje * 2444444131262962412
2ALKALOID, Skopje2 * 344413124272,52235
3GSK KUMANOVO 1, Kumanovo0½ * 243390151411395
4GSK NEGOTINO, Negotino012 * 328015151,51423
5GAMBIT ASSEKO SEE, Skopje0½½ * 601097937
6PELAGON, Prilep000½ * 40864736
7SAH SEH, Bitola0011½ * 206,567,8593
8KAPABLANKA, Skopje0012 * 107,581,8685

TB 1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
TB 2: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
TB 3: points (game-points)
TB 4: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break
TB 5: Board Tie-Breaks of the whole tournament