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Antarctic Penguin summer camp W3 by Casa Pinguino EMPEROR

Last update 11.07.2024 20:22:36, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2024)

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Starting rank

1Velasco, Ochoa SantiagoMEX1601Nuevo Leon
2Contreras, Garza DiegoMEX1498Nuevo Leon
3Agredano José Raúl,AUT0
4Cavazos Mateo,AUT0
5Garza Jorge Eugenio,AUT0
6Hurtado Jorge,AUT0
7Hurtado Juan Pablo,AUT0
8Lavin Juan Pablo,AUT0
9Leal Damian,AUT0
10Maldonado Marcelo,AUT0
11Michel Natalia,AUT0
12Miguel Sosa,AUT0
13Mota Luciano,AUT0
14Salazar Nestor,AUT0
15Villarreal Marcos,AUT0
16Villegas Sebastian,AUT0