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Scottish Championships - Boys/Girls Championship

Last update 15.07.2024 11:20:38, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank

1Maksymilian Skarlosz41833350POL1404
2Alan Kovalevskij2414996SCO1249HA
3Nikodem Ford21082529POL1190XK
4Anika Munshi2410982SCO1028PO
5Prithvi Senthil Nathan2414309SCO970
6Ross Warcup2408597SCO742ST
7Max Z WangSCO699DV
8Netra Gaikwad2413973SCO623LZ
9Reina Gaikwad2413981SCO600LZ
10Ainesh Prabhu2414104SCO482LZ
11Aaron StevensSCO0
12Izaan AliSCO0
13Rudra PardhiSCO0