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Bhaktapur Municipal Inter School Chess Tournament-2081 Girls

Last update 12.07.2024 11:43:51, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Aashika, Khati0Khwopring Eng Acd School
2Anita, Tamang0Bal Vikash Eng Sec School
3Anjela, Tamang0Shree Nabin Basic School
4Yamuna, Tiwari0Bagiswori Secondary School
5Anupama, Bhattari0Bagiswori Secondary School
6Asha, laxmi Duwal0Shree Nabin Basic School
7Bishesta, Rai0Samudayik Eng School
8Chis, Kumari Roka0Bal Vikash Eng Sec School
9Kripa, Prajapati0Bagiswori Secondary School
10Manisha, WaibaNEP0Vidhyarthi Niketen
11Rajashree, Kusi0Khwopring Eng Acd School
12Serena, Basukala0Prabhat Eng Sec School
13Shamri, Ngakhusi0Wise land
14Shreesa, Duwal0Khwopring Eng Acd School
15aaa, Tiwari0Bagiswori Secondary School