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2024 Asian Dragons International Invitational Tournament-U16

Darrera actualització20.07.2024 06:40:17, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Chinese Taipei Chess Association

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Rànquing inicial

1Muhd Nasruddin, Muhd Haziq35802162MAS1766
2Lee, Yugeon13217038KOR1691
3Kim, Jooyeon13214462KOR1650
4Chen, Chia-Chien16302460TPE1621
5Huang, Da-Xuan16304519TPE1535
6Chiu, Silas Nathaniel6007678HKG1506
7Liao, Yi-Cen16303911TPE1426
8Cheng, Yu Chen16302745TPE0
9Kan, Audric16304829TPE0
10Lin, Anthony16302796TPE0
11Lin, Benjamin16302818TPE0
12Luo, Chon Wang15400905MAC0
13Pu, Jing16305655TPE0
14Pu, Yu16305647TPE0
15Wang, Bo Sheng16302621TPE0
16Wu, Tansi Tung16305116TPE0