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Seletiva de Xadrez da PMDF (Grupo B) 2024

Last update 10.07.2024 21:37:38, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

Starting rank list of players

1Nogueira, TC JacquesBRA1803Brasília (Df)
3CAP Feltrini,BRA1800Brasília (Df)
4CAP Sandey,BRA1800Brasília (Df)
6De Andrade, SD Car,los Auguto Soares CaronBRA1800Brasília (Df)
5Rick, SGTBRA1800Brasília (Df)
2SANTOS, ST Herton De Sousa609029BRA1800Brasília (Df)
7SGT Saunder,BRA1800Brasília (Df)
8SGT Valdiney,BRA1800Brasília (Df)
9TEN Crillanovic,BRA1800Brasília (Df)
10E Silva, TEN Italo Higor Souza601163BRA1796 Brasília (Df)