XL Open Internacional Martorell 2024 - grup C

Organizer(s)C. E. Martorell
FederationCatalonia ( CAT )
Tournament directorCristóbal Montero Montero (32003552)
Chief ArbiterAC Guillem Cintas Zuazua (2284910)
ArbiterAC Ramon Gonell Aparici (2212110)
Time control (Standard)90'+30''
LocationCa n’Oliveras, Sala d’ exposicions, Nau 1, Avinguda Joaquim de Barnola i Bassols
Number of rounds9
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating national, Rating international
Date2024/09/14 to 2024/11/23
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 23.10.2024 18:03:59, Creator: Sonia Martin Dinares,Last Upload: Guillem Cintas Zuazua

Tournament selectionGrup A, Grup B, Grup C
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 5, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/9 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5
GamesThere are 50 games available for download
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Ranking crosstable after Round 5

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Rodriguez Quiroga Jose 11w1 41b1 57w1 25b1 5w1 2b513,515,515,50
2Terron Eroles Jose 56w1 60b1 3w½ 14b1 6b1 1w4,513,515,513,50
3Gabaldon Escagedo Jaime102b1 18w1 2b½ 39b1 4w½ 22w414,514,510,25
4Gabaldon Escagedo Eloy 30b1 29w1 28b1 7w½ 3b½ 8w4141713,00
5Gomez Montanes Eloi 69b1 24w1 53b1 12w1 1b0 6w413,515,510,50
6Rodriguez Fontanet Eric 62b1 46w1 54b1 13b1 2w0 5b412,514,510,00
7Carbo Manau David 47w1 55b1 39w½ 4b½ 32w1 9b4121410,75
8Montllor Aguilera Francisco 65w1 14b½ 17w½ 57b1 33w1 4b4121410,50
9Martinez Hernandez Emili 10b0 83w1 40b1 53w1 23b1 7w411128,50
10Herrando Claramunt Oriol 9w1 23b1 25w0 17b½ 41w1 20b3,51416,511,25
11Marquez Macarro Juan Manuel 1b0 74w1 48b1 26w1 12b½ 30w3,514169,25
12Admetlla Delclos Didac 61w1 45b1 15w1 5b0 11w½ -03,513,515,59,75
13Garcia Lorente Antonio 34w1 70b1 26b1 6w0 27w½ -03,513159,50
14Segador Sanchez Didac 99b1 8w½ 77b1 2w0 44b1 17w3,512,5136,50
15Llobet Planes Jordi103b1 63w1 12b0 29w1 20w½ -03,512126,75
16Ruiz Talavera Adolfo 40b½ 84w½ 46b1 28w1 18b½ 21w3,511,512,59,00
17Gutierrez Anguita Manuel 88b1 77w½ 8b½ 10w½ 42w1 14b3,511,512,58,00
18Archs Garriga Ignasi 89w1 3b0 56w1 55b1 16w½ 19b3,511,512,56,75
19Illescas Segura Marcel 37b1 53w0 43b1 54w1 21b½ 18w3,511139,25
20Valbuena Castro Gregorio 58b1 54w0 62b1 64w1 15b½ 10w3,59,511,57,75
21Ruiz Saez Josep Maria -0 79b1 92w1 45b1 19w½ 16b3,5912,57,25
22Pastrana Pinero Joan 82w½ 72b½ 61w1 42b½ 39w1 3b3,59117,75
23Santacruz Garcia Francisco 91b1 10w0 88b+ 59b1 9w0 37b312,513,56,00
24Porta Lara Xavier 49w1 5b0 27w½ 50b½ 59w1 38b312147,25
25Gil Perafita Daniel Alejandro 90b1 78w1 10b1 1w0 -0 -0311,514,56,50
26Vazquez Cortes Carlos 79w1 68b1 13w0 11b0 64w1 32b311,513,56,50
27Valles Soler Jaume 43b½ 40w½ 24b½ 77w1 13b½ 31w311,5137,25
28Tutusaus Carbo Josep M101w1 59b1 4w0 16b0 71b1 29w311,5124,50
29Palomera Plans Joaquin 81w1 4b0 80w1 15b0 56w1 28b31112,55,00
30Marrugat Olivella Rosa 4w0 89b1 60w1 32b0 55w1 11b311125,00
31Prieto Pujol Carla 44b1 -0 36w1 33b0 70w1 27b310,513,57,50
32Jorba Bertran Saul -0 90w1 66b1 30w1 7b0 26w310,513,56,50
33Sanchez Fabregat Marc 78b0 91w1 58b1 31w1 8b0 35w310,511,56,00
34Arroyo Andrades Alberto 13b0 43w½ 67b½ 62w1 53b1 36w310126,25
35Mila Herrera Enzo 55w0 65b1 42w0 86b1 57w1 33b38,59,55,00
36Llopart Vilalta Joan -0 71w1 31b0 83w1 66b1 34b38115,00
37Hernandez Martinez Pol 19w0 -0 97b1 87w1 63b1 23w37,510,54,00
38Delgado Bertaina Daniel Orlando -0 58w0101b1 78w1 54b1 24w3694,00
39Fernandez-Huerta Rodriguez-Marto Sergio 66b1 73w1 7b½ 3w0 22b0 48w2,514166,50
40Bernat Mor Juli 16w½ 27b½ 9w0 85b1 51w½ 41b2,513145,50
41Pinto Santiago Edgar 74b1 1w0 78b½ 82w1 10b0 40w2,512,5144,75
42Argemi Bartolome Domenec 85w0 93b+ 35b1 22w½ 17b0 -02,512,513,57,25
43Membrives Cano Diego 27w½ 34b½ 19w0 96b1 50w½ 51b2,51213,55,75
44Infantes Fernandez Ismael 31w0 96b1 68w½ 47b1 14w0 45b2,511,5135,25
45Farell Duran Josep 67b1 12w0 84b1 21w0 48b½ 44w2,511,512,54,25
46Sanchez Fibla Xavier 87w1 6b0 16w0 79b½ 80w1 50b2,511123,50
47Banzo Sabate David 7b0 67w½ 81b1 44w0 78b1 52w2,51011,54,00
48Jorba Juez Guillem 64b1 -0 11w0 88b1 45w½ 39b2,5911,54,25
49Torres Korkozha Alex 24b0 69w½ 82b0 95w1 77b1 63w2,58,59,53,50
50Gomez Gutierrez Angel -0 81b½ 85w1 24w½ 43b½ 46w2,5810,54,50
51Guirado Martinez David -0 80b0 99w1 58w1 40b½ 43w2,56,593,75
52Marce Farreras Eloi 59w-101b1 59w0 80b½ 81w1 47b2,55,582,75
53Andrino Cubino Simon 97w1 19b1 5w0 9b0 34w0 -0214,515,54,50
54Sanchez Cabrerizo Adria 94w1 20b1 6w0 19b0 38w0 76b214154,50
55Escamilla Pozo Pablo 35b1 7w0 73b1 18w0 30b0 71w213,5165,50
56Santos Soro Abel 2b0 75w1 18b0 84w1 29b0 72w213143,00
57Gil Fernandez Lluis Antoni 93w1 85b1 1b0 8w0 35b0 68w213142,00
58ACMBlasco Roca Roger 20w0 38b1 33w0 51b0 86w1 73b212134,00
59Corral Gascon Alejandro 52b+ 28w0 52b1 23w0 24b0 77w211,513,54,50
60Canet Cortes Jan 75b1 2w0 30b0 71w0 92b1 66w211,512,53,00
61Martin Jimenez Julen 12b0 95w1 22b0 73w0 93b+ 70b211,512,53,00
62Kolodchenko Nikita 6w0 87b1 20w0 34b0 85w1 67b211,512,52,00
63Via Ventura Marius 92w1 15b0 72w½ 68b½ 37w0 49b211123,25
64Moya Aceituno Juan Gabriel 48w0 98b1 70w1 20b0 26b0 65w211123,00
65Martinez Segura Salvador 8b0 35w0 93b1 66w0 91b+ 64b211123,00
66Herrando Carbo Marc 39w0 86b1 32w0 65b1 36w0 60b210,511,53,00
67Gomes Gimenez Lucas 45w0 47b½ 34w½ 69b½ 72b½ 62w210124,75
68Santacana Nebot Roger104w+ 26w0 44b½ 63w½ -0 57b29,511,54,25
69Macias Romero Carlos Julio 5w0 49b½ -0 67w½ 83b1 75w29,511,53,25
70Torres Palau Jordi 83b1 13w0 64b0 91w1 31b0 61w29,510,52,00
71Pascuas Trujillo Daniel -0 36b0 94w1 60b1 28w0 55b29113,00
72Vicente Perales Manel 84b½ 22w½ 63b½ -0 67w½ 56b28,510,54,25
73Tevar Asensio Alfons 86w1 39b0 55w0 61b1 -0 58w27,59,53,00
74Brito Paz Erick Alexander 41w0 11b0 -0101w1 84b1 -027,59,51,50
75Bou Millan Eva 60w0 56b0 79w0100b1 88w1 69b277,51,50
76Gemio Bermudo Dylan -0 -0 -0102w1 87b1 54w2571,00
77Gonzalez Jurado Miguel Angel 98w1 17b½ 14w0 27b0 49w0 59b1,512,513,52,75
78Molinero Munoz Victor 33w1 25b0 41w½ 38b0 47w0 81b1,51214,54,25
79Jimenez Martinez Roger 26b0 21w0 75b1 46w½ -0 82b1,51112,53,25
80Molinero Sayas Teo -0 51w1 29b0 52w½ 46b0 84w1,510,5123,75
81Escoriza Gallardo Pedro 29b0 50w½ 47w0 89b1 52b0 78w1,510,511,52,25
82Marin Palos Alex 22b½ -0 49w1 41b0 -0 79w1,51011,54,25
83Garcia Rodriguez Dafne 70w0 9b0 98w1 36b0 69w0 97b111121,00
84Verges Morral Valentin 72w½ 16b½ 45w0 56b0 74w0 80b110122,75
85Sanchez Velando Arnau 42b1 57w0 50b0 40w0 62b0 92w19,511,52,50
86Matas Ibanez Josep 73b0 66w0 90b1 35w0 58b0 95w19,5111,50
87Bou Millan Noa 46b0 62w0105b+ 37b0 76w0 89b19,510,51,00
88Sarda Roig Carme 17w0 94b1 23w- 48w0 75b0 93b19101,00
89Gomez Fernandez Joaquin 18b0 30w0 95b½ 81w0 99b½ 87w199,50,75
90Julian Alvarez Angel 25w0 32b0 86w0 98b1 -0 -018,59,51,00
91Gracia Asensio Carmen 23w0 33b0103w1 70b0 65w- 94w1890,00
92Lago Duelo Gerard 63b0102w1 21b0 -0 60w0 85b17,58,50,00
93Uroz Lopez Ibai 57b0 42w- 65w0 94b1 61w- 88w1671,00
94Grau Arador Victor 54b0 88w0 71b0 93w0 -1 91b1671,00
95Tornay Araujo Laura -0 61b0 89w½ 49b0100w½ 86b1670,75
96Herrando Claramunt Queralt -0 44w0102b1 43w0 -0 98b1670,00
97Serradell Villa Andrea 53b0 -0 37w0 -0103b1 83w1670,00
98Ferran Giralt Joan 77b0 64w0 83b0 90w0102b1 96w1660,00
99Prieto Torres Fidel 14w0 -0 51b0 -0 89w½100b0,57,580,50
100Gemio Aylas Harold Nil -0 -0 -0 75w0 95b½ 99w0,544,50,50
101Casas Cartro Cesc 28b0 52w0 38w0 74b0 -0103w010,510,50,00
102Esteban Redondo Pau 3w0 92b0 96w0 76b0 98w0 -008,59,50,00
103Prieto Pujol Iria 15w0 -0 91b0 -0 97w0101b05,55,50,00
104Pinol Fuentealba Benjamin Ignacio 68b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00000,00
Baroja Allo Carlos -0 -0 87w- -0 -0 -00000,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)