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XL Open Internacional Martorell 2024 - grup A

Last update 23.10.2024 18:01:44, Creator: Sonia Martin Dinares,Last Upload: Guillem Cintas Zuazua

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Ranking crosstable after Round 5

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Herman Gamazo Isaac 10b1 16w1 6w1 4b½ 5b1 3w4,513,516,514,50
2FMCapellades Subirana Marc 15w½ 35b1 9w1 11b½ 8w1 4b4121310,00
3IMGual Pascual Antonio 30w½ 15b½ 19w1 20b1 7w1 1b41011,59,50
4GMMunoz Miguel 12b1 19w1 7b1 1w½ -0 2w3,512,51610,25
5Lacasa Diaz Oriol 32b½ 18w1 31w1 6b1 1w0 11b3,51213,58,00
6Gomez Navais Marcal 40b1 8w1 1b0 5w0 22b+ 12w314146,00
7Garcia Escoda Marc 22b1 17w1 4w0 9b1 3b0 10w313,515,57,50
8MKLacasta Palacio Joaquim 13w1 6b0 26b1 24w1 2b0 9w312,514,57,50
9Montero Olmos Javier 38b1 24w1 2b0 7w0 15w1 8b312136,00
10Gomez Paredes Isaac 1w0 20b0 40b1 26w1 19w1 7b311114,00
11WFMGarcia-Castany Musellas Gal.La 18b½ 21w1 23b1 2w½ -0 5w310,513,57,25
12Escoriza Pons Xavier 4w0 37b½ 32w1 31b1 14w½ 6b310,511,55,50
13Garcia Garcia Gabriel Javier 8b0 22w1 28b1 16w0 25w1 14b310126,00
14Tallada Serret Gerard 35w½ 30b1 -0 17w1 12b½ 13w38116,00
15Terron Chueco David 2b½ 3w½ 16b½ 23w1 9b0 18w2,514167,50
16Sviridenko Yaroslav 27w1 1b0 15w½ 13b1 -0 -02,512,5156,75
17Orellana Romero Daniel 20w1 7b0 25w½ 14b0 30w1 -02,510,5125,00
18MKPrats Rodriguez Juan Bosco 11w½ 5b0 37w1 19b0 31w1 15b2,510,511,54,25
19MKGarcia Busquets Jordi 34w1 4b0 3b0 18w1 10b0 26w213,5154,00
20Najar Arrieta Oriol 17b0 10w1 21b1 3w0 -0 25b211,513,55,00
21Singh Ahumada Karan 25w1 11b0 20w0 22b0 36w1 30b210113,00
22Oropeza Brito David Arturo 7w0 13b0 34b1 21w1 6w- 23b29,511,53,50
23Martinez Gutierrez Bernat 39w1 31b½ 11w0 15b0 29b½ 22w29,510,52,75
24Aleksanyan Israilyan Nicolas 36w1 9b0 29w1 8b0 -0 -029113,00
25Munoz Cuesta Emilio Josep 21b0 33w½ 17b½ 35w1 13b0 20w29103,00
26FMAvila Jimenez Xavier -0 36b1 8w0 10b0 39w1 19b28102,00
27Luque Castells Jordi 16b0 38w1 -0 36b1 -0 -02792,00
28Marina De La Torre Ivan -0 39b1 13w0 -0 35b1 29w2792,00
29Tornay Gomez Raul -0 40w1 24b0 30b½ 23w½ 28b2681,75
30Ayala Abenza Jose Luis 3b½ 14w0 35b½ 29w½ 17b0 21w1,511,512,53,50
31Devos Herve -1 23w½ 5b0 12w0 18b0 33b1,51112,52,50
32Marin Ripoll Marti 5w½ -0 12b0 33b1 -0 34w1,59,5113,25
33Lluverol Torrents Salvador -0 25b½ -0 32w0 40b1 31w1,55,571,00
34Lara Crosas Marc 19b0 -0 22w0 40w1 37b½ 32b1,556,50,50
35Mas Mestres Jordi 14b½ 2w0 30w½ 25b0 28w0 -011112,52,25
36MKBorrellas Comellas Josep 24b0 26w0 38b1 27w0 21b0 39w19101,00
37Garcia Ruiz Adrian -0 12w½ 18b0 -0 34w½ 38b1892,25
38Fontanet Tomas Unai 9w0 27b0 36w0 39b0 -1 37w17,58,51,00
39Casadesus Sanmiquel Jordi 23b0 28w0 -0 38w1 26b0 36b1781,00
40Carrasco Leon Jose Fernando 6w0 29b0 10w0 34b0 33w0 -009,5110,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints, Cut1)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break Variable (2023) (Gamepoints)