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Rapidová část turnaje

UCT Chess Club Marathon 4.8.2024 Rapid

Darrera actualització04.08.2024 18:15:58, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Czech Republic licence 139

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Rànquing inicial

1Kunc Jan364045CZE19621839Sk Sokol Vysehrad
2Cejka Jan23752440CZE18221635Sk Praha-Smichov
3Kostka Jiri23752475CZE17691569Sk Praha-Smichov
4Lhota Vojtech23733195CZE17631633Sk Praha-Smichov
5Broz Martin23763051CZE17621222Sokol Nebusice
6Le Tuan Anh23763078CZE17420
7Nakladal Jakub23752491CZE17370Individualni Clen Sszk
8Mrazek Tomas371432CZE16411500Individualni Clen Sss
9Zrust Tomas370983CZE01638Sokol Kolin
10Cervenka Daniel23764716CZE00Sachovy Oddil Tj Sokol Voznice
11Hrazdil Jan23763965CZE00
12Pokorny JiriCZE00
13Shorny JanCZE00
14Zboril JanCZE00
15Zvonek PetrCZE00