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Winner £150, 2nd £90 3rd prize *** £60 ( *** 20+ players)

Wimbledon Congress 202408 U2000

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony31.08.2024 19:31:38, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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1Lam, Joshua343443800ENG1935
2Collyer, David462403ENG1934
3Rogers, Tim L418137ENG1930
4Quillaud, Maxime343272007ENG1889
5Moss, Jack491284ENG1885
6Raj, Aarav490911ENG1884
7Soulier, Alfred486264ENG1882
8Flynn, David410594ENG1850
9Martin, Jake343406424ENG1841
10Ganguly, Aryaman25981226IND1815
11Anand, Dhriti488429ENG1813
12AFMJefremov, Aivar11601299LAT1809
13Llewellyn, Julian D484750ENG1806
14Demestichas, Petros42128129GRE1791
15Grose, Kameron474010ENG1776
16Hope Maginn, Cal343448127ENG1765
17Shard, Henry459380ENG1749
18Lee, Yuk Hei343411061ENG1721
19Jennis, Alistair343416780ENG1698
20Amabile, Domenico2808272ITA1689
21Iovino, Leonardo343445004ENG1677
22Bevis, Noah343434630ENG1626
23Wang, Alan2636441ENG1597
24Santosh Kumar, Darsh343411541ENG1594
25Hill, Callum343403913ENG1581
26Ou, Siyuan343405657ENG1543
27Ou, Siyao343405649ENG1497
28AFMOngcachuy, Philip343108403ENG0