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tschaturanga Sommer-Cup 2024 Gruppe Z

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.08.2024 21:08:55, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (TA)

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1Grohs, Wolfgang1632167AUT1737Sv Schmelz
2Ochsenhofer, Walter1629069AUT1702Sk Hietzing
3Sponer, Manfred1629085AUT1685Sv Korneuburg
4Masser, Christopher1691830AUT1672
5Gockner, Hans1625950AUT1668Sc Donaustadt
6Hrinkov, Susanne1666037AUT1654Verbund Ahp
7Hruza, Gerhard1635263AUT1636Sv Schmelz
8Lang, Maximilian Mag.1637614AUT1629Sk Hietzing
9Quell, Rudolf1686240AUT1597Sc Polyglott L.S.
10Zikic, Goran1629093AUT1584Sz Favoriten
11Korcz, Maxim1691341AUT1565
12Modliba, Daniel1644122AUT1192Vhs Gaenserndorf
13Leitgöb, Patrick1699679AUT1134
14Roessl, Andreas1640321AUT1098Ksv Wien Schachsektion
15Goci, Philipp1698788AUT1059Sk Auhof
16Bhargava, Manas530001145IND918
17Wuketich, Stefan1638840AUT887
18Nouri, Navid530002451AUT0Sc Polyglott L.S.
19Pojasnjuk, Vladimir530002966AUT0
20Shikdar, Tasmin530002974AUT0