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tschaturanga Sommer-Cup 2024 Gruppe B

Last update 19.08.2024 21:05:32, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (TA)

Starting rank list of players

5Birg, Jovan1611836AUT1875Sv Stockerau
4Kutschker, Roman Mag.1641344AUT1835Sk Hernals
3Linnert, Peter Dr.1630490AUT1834Sk Hietzing
8Wirthumer, Gunter1641409AUT1813Sk Donau
2Grujicic, Momcilo1691325AUT1788Tschaturanga
6Penker, Dominic1681664AUT1735Sc Donaustadt
1Pichler, Maximilian1644408AUT1536
7Kempf, Samuel16282124GER1529Tschaturanga