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The 15th LSH

Darrera actualització14.07.2024 10:37:54, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Korea Chess Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1JANG, Seojun132165201645U10
2HAN, Yongsu132253081629U20
3CHO, Minseong132168721625
4YU, Jinuk132105641623
5CHOI, Hyunbin132113821613U18
6CHUNG, Jaeheon132219811547
7KWON, Jihoo132254301536U14
8KIM, Minjun C132067881517U16
9KIM, Junesun310016611516U10
10JANG, Seungwoo132188751487
11LEE, Seungjin43219601420U16
12JANG, Yunseo132165381415wU14
13CHUNG, Yeseo132231781409wU08
14AHN, Junmin132240180U10
15Choi, Wonjeong132278580w
16HUR, Jiyu132274750U10
17JANG, Alex310016450U16
18JANG, David310016530U14
19KIM, Jihun132274670U10
20KIM, Taei A132274320U08
21KO, Hyeran132270500wS65
22LEE, Haedeun132231860w
23SEO, Yerin132262580wU10