Please note rounds 5 and 6 are swapped to prevent 3 whites/blacks in a row. Please contact us regarding make-up games at hhchess@studentorg.utoronto.ca2024 Hart House Club Championship - Crown Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.08.2024 15:15:43, Creator/Last Upload: harthousechess
Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo
Nr | | Nazwisko | FideID | Fed | Rg | Klub/miasto |
4 | | Vettese, Nicholas | 2620090 | CAN | 2498 | On (Toronto) |
3 | | Mao, Fengxi | 2632586 | CAN | 2311 | On (Scarborough) |
1 | | Singh, Mahip | 25015044 | CAN | 2253 | On (Mississauga) |
2 | | Lakhani, Riyaan | 2648270 | CAN | 1990 | On (Richmond Hill) |