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POCC #6 1800+ Section

Last update 09.12.2024 04:02:59, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 21)

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Round 1

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
11Wang, Kevin Rui~ EST19830 0 - 10 Gao, Justin PST201910
211Cao, Max~ PST18020 ½ - ½0 Yan, Daniel~ PST19072
33Sha, Yi~ EST19050 1 - 00 Cao, Max2~ PST180212
413Cao, Max3~ PST18020 0 - 10 Sha, Yi2~ EST19054
55Sha, Yi3~ EST19050 1 - 00 Zhang, Royce EST184614
615Chu, Alex~ EST19910 1 - 00 Zhou, Celina CST18786
79Wang, Freyr~ EST18080 0 - 10 Chu, Alex2~ EST199116
87Yue, Andy EST18760 ½ not paired 
98Yang, Alexander ZiRui CST18580 ½ not paired 
1017Zhou, Arthur~ EST19080 0 not paired 
1118Zhou, Kailuo CST18050 ½ not paired 
1219Zhou, Kailuo2 CST18050 ½ not paired